Friday, June 3, 2011

FITE Club Workout #2

Good Morning Everyone,
Another Friday and another awesome FITE Club workout completed! I have to admit, I really wasn't looking forward to the workout this morning. Combine an extremely busy week with very little sleep and that equals no motivation to get up early and train...... I know, I know..... preaching to the choir, right. We all have weeks like this, maybe every week for some of us? But, the good news is I didn't want to let the down the FITE Club crew so I designed today's program, manned up and and stuck to my commitment. These are the days you will feel most proud of after you complete your training. And I can tell you that I feel amazing after this workout!!

So, push through those barriers and road blocks, make a commitment to get better at something and stick to it!!

Enjoy today's workout.

Rule #2 of FITE Club: Maximum Effort Only at FITE Club!

** Each station is 8 min running clock. Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 min. 90 seconds between rounds.**

*Dynamic Warm-up
*Station 1
KB Snatch 10x
Lateral hop(small hurdle) 10x
Cable Rotation 10x

*Station 2
Scissor step ups 10x
TRX Row 15x
Dynamax Squat Slams 15x

*Station 3
Wall Ball 12x
Post. cross behind Lunge 10x
Band Rotation 20x

*Station 4
Jump jax w. weight 15x
KB Swing curl 15x
Jump Rope 50 skips

Stability Ball Russian twist w/ MB 15x
Stability Ball kneeling roll outs 15x

Train For Life!

1 comment:

"Life Is Motion"

"Life Is Motion"
Turkish Get Up