Hi Everyone,
As a parent we all like to brag and share stories about our kids. And I am no different.
My son Jacob did something yesterday that thoroughly impressed me. Not only as a parent, but more importantly, as a fitness professional.
My son has always been into sports (definitely my son!) But up until recently I did not think he shared the competitive spirit that I overflow with. Sunday he had try outs for flag football. The tryouts consisted of about 6 stations of drills which consisted of: Zig zag pattern run for time, 30 yard dash for time, shuttle run for time, football catch for repetition, football throw for accuracy (through a hula hoop), and football throw for distance. He did very good at just about everything except the football throws. The ball he had to use is bigger than the one he has at home so he had trouble gripping the ball.
So, on Monday on the way home from school all Jacob could talk about is getting home to practice football. And he insisted that we use my regulation size football so "I can throw better when I use the junior size football". Ok, sounded good but I know he would never be able to grip a NFL size football so I picked him up a "junior" sized one to practice with. Then for the next hour or so we practiced throwing and catching as he played the role of coach.
Last Saturday I went through a FYSA "F" level soccer coaching course. I learned a lot of great information and drills to coach kids 12 and under, and I was also very humbled with how out of "soccer shape" I was. Jacob was very intrigued to hear what I had done, and what I had learned. So, Wednesday on our way home from school Jacob insisted on me teaching him all that I had learned.
So, we spent the afternoon running through all the drills I had learned at the coaches clinic.
Later that night as a am tending to baby Reese and making dinner I heard some running coming from the hall way in front of Jacobs bedroom. As I walked over there I was surprised to see Jacob in full football pads running shuttle drills in the hall way, then running in to his room to attempt pull ups from his bunk bed followed by push ups!!
Dats my boy!! What makes me the most proud is that all this was his idea. I didn't have to ask him to practice or anything.
One of the most important lessons I have learned as a parent is to lead by example. Now this can be good or bad based on the lifestyle you live. Fitness and living a healthy lifestyle is my life and I always make a point to do some form of exercise in front of Jacob so that he can see that exercise can be fun. And in turn he wants to participate and have fun too!!
Give your kids the best gift you can give them by being a good role model for them. Kids will forever try to be like their mom or dad, sometimes consciously, sometimes subconsciously. It is our jobs to set a good example. Turn the TV off, put the computer down get outside and have fun!!
Living Life with no Regrets.......No Excuses!
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